Treeswift Solutions is a certified website development company in India that offers a wide range of website design services for small and large businesses. We have a team of skilled website developers and digital marketing experts who use the latest technologies and proven strategies to create engaging and dynamic websites and web applications that attract and retain customers. Whether you need a simple landing page, a complex e-commerce site, or a custom web application, we can help you achieve your goals. Hire website developers from us and establish a strong online presence that will lead you to success.

Create a Website that Stands Out and Boosts Your Conversions

Hire the Best Website Developers and Outshine Your Competitors

Your website is not just a digital platform for your business. It is a powerful tool to showcase your brand identity and connect with your potential customers. You need a website that can capture the attention of your visitors in seconds and give them a compelling reason to choose you over your competitors. That’s why you need our custom web design services.

We don’t just create websites. We create immersive digital experiences that reflect your brand’s unique aesthetic and values. We work closely with you to understand your goals and vision, and then we craft a website that suits your needs and preferences. Whether you want a simple landing page or a complex e-commerce site, we have the skills and expertise to make it happen. With our custom web design services, you can offer your visitors a superb user experience that will make them come back for more.

Top Brands We Work For

Comprehensive Web Development Services

Create a Business Website with the Top Web Development Agency

We are the leading web development agency in India, offering SEO friendly, mobile responsive business websites that are customized to your specific needs. We provide a full range of services to help you create, maintain and grow an effective web presence for your business. You can choose from the web development services that suit your requirements from the list below. If you are unsure how to make the best choice, contact us and we will assist you in understanding the technical aspects of the work and also provide a relevant cost estimate.


Small Business Website

We are the leading web development agency in India, offering SEO friendly, mobile responsive business websites that are customized to your needs. We provide end-to-end services in designing, developing and maintaining a website that suits your business goals.

Web Application Development

Web apps are more than just websites. They are interactive platforms that engage users and deliver value. We design web apps with the user and the business goal in mind. We make sure that every web app is easy to use, feature-rich, and fast. We create web apps that work seamlessly across devices and provide a consistent user experience. Our web apps have stunning UI/UX, efficient database, and reliable frameworks to ensure optimal performance.

eCommerce Website Design

As a leading web design company in India, we can help you build a tailor-made and user-friendly online store using the best platforms and frameworks available. You have the choice of various CMS options (Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, OpenCart, WordPress) or bespoke programming for shopping cart development according to your requirements. We also provide services for creating impressive Marketplace, both B2B & B2C Structures. Our goal is to help you convert your online visitors into loyal customers.

Corporate Website Design

A corporate website has to showcase everything from high-end professionalism, impressive User Interface, to easy accessibility. You don’t have to worry as we are here to help. We are a reliable web design agency that creates innovative and secure websites for large enterprises across the globe. With technical skill, extensive experience, consistent communication with the client, and attention to every detail, we deliver a quality service in a timely manner.

We are a premium website design company that offers high-quality web design solutions at affordable prices to help your business thrive online. Whether you need a simple website for a small business or a feature-rich eCommerce store or a complex custom web application, our skilled web developers can create and enhance your online presence. Take advantage of our world-class web development services to accelerate the process of lead conversions for your business.

A Preview of Our Outcomes

An eCommerce Store for Apparel & Home Decor Items

This vibrant eCommerce Store offering an exclusive collection of apparel for men women and children. Developed using Opencart and MySQL, the store has useful features like advanced search, convenient one-page checkout, and payment gateway (PayPal).

An eStore for Apparel and Accessories

The single-domain multi-store based eCommerce portal offers a seamless shopping experience with a wide range of apparel and accessories. Built using Magento and MySQL, the portal has features like image galleries, multi-currency support, and secure payment gateways (PayPal, Stripe).

A Website for Property Listings

This is a property listing website that users can use to browse through a vast selection of properties. Built using Laravel and Angular, the website has features such as radius-wise property search using filters, saved search history for paid users, email notification on new property upload matching the search criteria, bulk property upload, payment gateway, and multiple admin logins.

Tools & Technologies

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Happy Clients


Countries Served


Team Members


Years of Experience

We Create Websites for Various Industries

Education & eLearning

Finance & Banking

Travel & Tourism

Technology and Consultancy

Hospitality & Entertainment

Logistics & Transportation


Real Estate

Retail & eCommerce



Food & Beverage

Website Maintenance Service

Your website needs to keep up with the evolving technology and consumer preferences to deliver the best online experience and grow your business potential. As a reliable web development company, we provide a comprehensive website maintenance service to optimize your site’s performance and functionality.

We follow the industry best practices and update your website with the latest technical trends. We also protect your website from any security threats by removing outdated plugins, upgrading versions, and performing a complete website health check. Moreover, we ensure that your website reflects your current business status by updating your content, products, and prices.

We offer flexible models for our website maintenance service. You can choose our cost-effective Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for regular website check-ups and fixes, or you can request our on-demand maintenance support whenever you need it.

Content Update

Plugin Update

Feature Enhancement

Speed Optimization

Security Check

Platform Migration

Our future-proof web design and development process

We deliver customized solutions for each project, as we understand that no two projects are the same. As the leading web design company in India, we follow a meticulous approach to ensure the highest quality of outcomes. Our work method is based on clarity and accountability, which has earned us the trust of many clients. Trust our website developers to provide you with a comprehensive web development service.


Next, we add features to make the site dynamic and interactive. We provide a complete web solution for both frontend and backend development using technologies such as Angular, React, HTML5/CSS3, Node.js, PHP (Laravel, Cake PHP, CodeIgniter), MySQL, MongoDB and more.


Our web design process begins with mapping out the users journey to optimise the website’s navigation. Then, we create wireframes and prototype that defines the layout, functionality, and content of the project. Once we get the green light from our clients, we proceed to the next phase


If you want to enhance your website’s functionality or customize it to your needs and perform a comprehensive maintenance, our skilled web developers are ready to assist you. We provide a wide range of maintenance service such as server load tracking, code backups and security checks



UI design creates the website’s aesthetic and mood. Our web designers stay updated with the latest trends and select the best colours, visual effects, typography, and animations that fit the brand identity. These shape how the users will see and interact with your site.


Before we embark on any project, we do a comprehensive research on the market, the competitors, the target audience, and the clients’ needs. This enables us to showcase the brand identity through every aspect of the website.


We don’t just build websites, we craft them with care and precision. Before launching your site, we rigorously test every line of code, every feature, and every functionality to ensure they work flawlessly and deliver an exceptional user experience(UX)

Get the Best Website Designers & Developers for Your Project

If you are looking to hire expert website designer & developers to create a website with an exceptional appearance and functionality, you are at the right place. Here’s what we ensure on our websites:

SEO Friendly

Our websites have functionalities that boost your website’s ranking

Responsive Design

Our designs are flexible and fit any device, platform, or screen size.

Clean Coding

Our coding follows the industry standard of cleanliness and optimisation.

Great UI / UX

Our designs offer a great UI that leads to a great UX too.

Web Development in India: Frequently Asked Questions

We know you may have some questions and concerns about web development in India. That’s why we have prepared a list of frequently asked questions to help you understand our process and services better. If you need more information or clarification, don’t hesitate to contact our experts. They are always happy to assist you.

What is web development and why do I need it?

Web development is the process of creating websites from scratch, using various technologies and tools. Web development can help you establish your online presence, reach more customers, showcase your products or services, and grow your business.

How much does web development cost and how long does it take?

The cost and duration of web development depend on many factors, such as the complexity, functionality, design, and size of your website. A simple website can cost as low as $500 and take as little as a week, while a complex website can cost thousands of dollars and take months to complete. We can provide you with a free quote and an estimated timeline after we understand your requirements and goals.

What are the steps involved in web development?

Web development typically involves the following steps:

  • Planning: We discuss your needs, expectations, budget, and timeline, and create a project plan and a sitemap.
  • Design: We create a mockup or a prototype of your website, and get your feedback and approval on the layout, colors, fonts, and images.
  • Development: We code your website using the latest technologies and standards, and ensure that it is responsive, fast, secure, and user-friendly.
  • Testing: We test your website for functionality, compatibility, performance, and usability, and fix any issues or bugs.
  • Launch: We deploy your website to a live server, and make sure that it is working properly and optimized for search engines.
  • Maintenance: We provide ongoing support and updates for your website, and monitor its performance and security.
What technologies and tools do you use for web development?

We use a variety of technologies and tools for web development, depending on the needs and preferences of each client. Some of the common ones are:

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: These are the core languages of the web, and they are used to create the structure, style, and interactivity of your website.
  • PHP, Python, Ruby, and Node.js: These are some of the popular server-side languages, and they are used to handle the logic, data, and functionality of your website.
  • MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and Firebase: These are some of the widely used databases, and they are used to store and retrieve the information of your website.
  • WordPress, Shopify, Drupal, and Joomla: These are some of the well-known content management systems (CMS), and they are used to create and manage the content of your website.
  • Bootstrap, Tailwind, Materialize, and Bulma: These are some of the modern frameworks, and they are used to speed up and simplify the development of your website.
  • Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab: These are some of the essential tools for version control, collaboration, and deployment of your website.
How do you ensure the quality and security of your web development?

We follow the best practices and standards of web development, and use various tools and methods to ensure the quality and security of your web development. Some of them are:

  • Code review: We review and optimize our code for readability, efficiency, and maintainability.
  • Testing: We use automated and manual testing tools to check your website for errors, bugs, and vulnerabilities.
  • Debugging: We use debugging tools to identify and fix any issues or problems in your website.
  • Validation: We use validation tools to verify that your website meets the specifications and guidelines of the web.
  • Encryption: We use encryption tools to protect your website and its data from unauthorized access and modification.
  • Backup: We use backup tools to create and restore copies of your website and its data in case of any loss or damage.
How do you make your web development responsive and accessible?

Responsive web development means that your website can adapt to different screen sizes, devices, and orientations, and provide a consistent and optimal user experience. Accessible web development means that your website can be easily used and understood by people with different abilities, preferences, and needs, and comply with the web accessibility standards. We make our web development responsive and accessible by using the following techniques:

  • Media queries: We use media queries to apply different styles and layouts to your website based on the screen size, device, and orientation of the user.
  • Flexbox and grid: We use flexbox and grid to create flexible and responsive layouts for your website, and arrange its elements in a logical and efficient way.
  • Images and icons: We use images and icons that are scalable, responsive, and retina-ready, and provide alternative text and captions for them.
  • Fonts and colors: We use fonts and colors that are readable, contrastive, and harmonious, and provide options for changing their size and theme.
  • Navigation and forms: We use navigation and forms that are clear, intuitive, and easy to use, and provide labels, instructions, and feedback for them.
  • Keyboard and mouse: We use keyboard and mouse events that are compatible, consistent, and accessible, and provide shortcuts, focus, and hover effects for them.
  • Audio and video: We use audio and video that are controllable, captioned, and transcribed, and provide options for muting and adjusting their volume and speed.
How do you communicate and collaborate with your clients during web development?

Communication and collaboration are essential for a successful web development project. We communicate and collaborate with our clients during web development by using the following ways:

  • Meetings and calls: We schedule regular meetings and calls with our clients to discuss the progress, feedback, and issues of the web development project, and ensure that we are on the same page and aligned with the goals and expectations.
  • Emails and messages: We send and receive emails and messages with our clients to share and update the information, documents, and files of the web development project, and keep them informed and involved.
  • Tools and platforms: We use various tools and platforms with our clients to facilitate and streamline the web development project, such as:
    • Project management tools: We use project management tools to plan, track, and manage the tasks, milestones, and deadlines of the web development project, and keep them transparent and organized.
    • Design and prototyping tools: We use design and prototyping tools to create and present the mockup or prototype of the website, and get the feedback and approval of the client.
    • Development and deployment tools: We use development and deployment tools to code, test, and launch the website, and ensure that it is functional and secure.
    • Review and feedback tools: We use review and feedback tools to collect and analyze the comments, suggestions, and ratings of the client and the users, and improve the quality and satisfaction of the website.
What kind of support and maintenance do you provide after web development?

We provide ongoing support and maintenance after web development to ensure that your website is always up and running, and meets your changing needs and expectations. Our support and maintenance services include:

  • Updates and upgrades: We update and upgrade your website and its technologies and tools to keep them current and compatible, and add new features and functionalities to enhance them.
  • Fixes and improvements: We fix and improve your website and its performance and SEO to resolve any errors, bugs, or vulnerabilities, and optimize them.
  • Backup and recovery: We backup and recover your website and its data to prevent any loss or damage, and restore them in case of any emergency or disaster.
  • Training and consultation: We train and consult you and your staff on how to use and manage your website and its content, and provide you with the best practices and tips for web development.